🦊How to Connect MetaMask Wallet

It's easy to configure your Metamask to interact with CORE Chain through CoinBook.

To begin, click 'Connect Wallet' in the upper right hand corner on https://trade.coinbook.app/.

The moment you select MetaMask it will automatically switch to the CORE network, and you will be able to see your MetaMask address on our portal.

If you have not integrated the CORE Network, please use the following steps:

Open your MetaMask, click Network tab, and click Add a Network Manually.

In the screen shown, please enter the necessary information as follows at add the CORE Chain to your MetaMask account:

Network name : Core Chain

New RPC URL : https://rpc.coredao.org/

Chain ID : 1116

Currency Symbol (Optional) : CORE

Block Explorer : https://scan.coredao.org/

As mentioned above, your wallet will automatically connect to the CORE Network by default.

If you would like to switch to the BSC Network, simply click the Network dropdown in the upper right hand corner and choose 'BSC Blockchain'

You will then need to interact with MetaMask, and confirm that you are switching networks.

Congrats! You've successfully transferred between networks on CoinBook!

Going back to the Core Network is just as easy - follow the same steps above and approve the MetaMask notification verifying that you are attempting to switch Networks.

Last updated